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Pakistan Flood Emergency Appeal – MFIS

Malek Fahd Islamic School is committed to assist in easing the hardships of the poor and needy around the world.


MFIS always strives to preserve the dignity and the well-being of those in need through our charitable and volunteering initiatives locally and abroad. This charitable, humanitarian actions firmly align with our faith and values. We are always committed to supporting the poor, needy, homeless, disabled, and vulnerable in Australia and around the world. We are also dedicated to sponsoring orphans, building Mosques and wells in many parts of the Islamic world.


MFIS in partnership with Human Appeal Australia have managed to sponsor tens of orphans from countries around the world as well as feeding of the poor and helping villages by providing clean water through digging ground wells.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said; “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.”

Let us all work together to provide a better future and alleviate the sufferings of our brothers and sisters in need


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(For the gift to be considered tax deductible, please ensure you donate $2 or more)

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Bank Transfer

Donate via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to our account details below:
Account Name: Human Appeal International Australia
BSB: 325 – 185
Acct No: 0384 2116
Reference: EidShow OS



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Malek Fahd Islamic School is committed to assist in easing the hardships of the poor and needy around the world.


MFIS always strives to preserve the dignity and the well-being of those in need through our charitable and volunteering initiatives locally and abroad. This charitable, humanitarian actions firmly align with our faith and values. We are always committed to supporting the poor, needy, homeless, disabled, and vulnerable in Australia and around the world. We are also dedicated to sponsoring orphans, building Mosques and wells in many parts of the Islamic world.


MFIS in partnership with Human Appeal Australia have managed to sponsor tens of orphans from countries around the world as well as feeding of the poor and helping villages by providing clean water through digging ground wells.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said; “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.”

Let us all work together to provide a better future and alleviate the sufferings of our brothers and sisters in need

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