Helping vulnerable people during the Coronavirus Epidemic

Afghanistan 0 Day(s) to Start

Human Appeal Australia is launching an emergency appeal to fight the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in some of the most vulnerable regions around the world. As the...


Bushfire Emergency Relief

Australia 0 Day(s) to Start

Human Appeal Australia is reaching out to our generous community to help ease the suffering of our fellow Australians who are left in shelters after they lost...


Stand with our needy brothers and sisters in Lebanon

Lebanon 0 Day(s) to Start

In Lebanon, one-third of the population is considered poor according to United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). This translates to around 1.5 million...


Palestinian homes come crushing down in Al-Quds

Palestine 0 Day(s) to Start

The latest demolitions of Palestinian homes in the outskirts of Al-Quds has left many families including children homeless. They were forcefully transferred after their homes were bulldozed,...