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Winter Appeal

Your kindness, their warmth

As we enjoy the summer sun and the comfort of air conditioning, let’s spare a thought for those facing the harsh reality of winter. In many Middle Eastern countries, cold winter winds don’t just bring discomfort, but life-threatening conditions.

Tragically, winter in struggling countries can be a deadly season. Recent studies suggest that cold weather contributes to approximately 4.6 million deaths globally each year.

This is especially concerning for the 1.8 million displaced people in Gaza who have lost more than we can imagine. The loss of homes and basic necessities has left many vulnerable to the harsh winter conditions.

Human Appeal Australia has a comprehensive campaign dedicated to mitigating all the dangers of winter.

Through your help we aim to provide shelter, food, clothing and all the winter essentials to tens of thousands of people in Gaza and countless others across the globe.

Take this opportunity to provide warmth, comfort and safety to those who do not even have a home.

What you give today makes a difference to someone’s life.

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(For the gift to be considered tax-deductible, please ensure you donate $2 or more)


Winter Appeal

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Where Needed

Paying For

Your kindness, their warmth

As we enjoy the summer sun and the comfort of air conditioning, let’s spare a thought for those facing the harsh reality of winter. In many Middle Eastern countries, cold winter winds don’t just bring discomfort, but life-threatening conditions.

Tragically, winter in struggling countries can be a deadly season. Recent studies suggest that cold weather contributes to approximately 4.6 million deaths globally each year.

This is especially concerning for the 1.8 million displaced people in Gaza who have lost more than we can imagine. The loss of homes and basic necessities has left many vulnerable to the harsh winter conditions.

Human Appeal Australia has a comprehensive campaign dedicated to mitigating all the dangers of winter.

Through your help we aim to provide shelter, food, clothing and all the winter essentials to tens of thousands of people in Gaza and countless others across the globe.

Take this opportunity to provide warmth, comfort and safety to those who do not even have a home.


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